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How it works

Get pre-approved with
Billd for free

Enroll in less than 5 minutes and get access to 120-day terms with any material supplier.

Purchase materials with
120-day terms

Improve your cash flow by getting the materials you need today and pay for them over time.

Instantly Boost your Contractor Score

Grow faster with Billd in your back pocket and your newly improved Contractor Score.

Unlock 120-Day Terms with Any Supplier

Grow your business using flexible, 120-day supplier terms and improve your cash flow to take on larger, more profitable projects.
  • We pay your supplier, you pay us
  • Same-day approvals, same-day payments to your supplier
  • 120-day flexible terms, with any supplier
  • Increased purchasing power and higher credit limits through project-based underwriting

The FICO Score for Subcontractors

Contractor Score verifies, analyzes and scores contractors’ most recent financials.
  • Increase your financial power with the right information and tools
  • Differentiate yourself with a score
  • Understand your liquidity position
  • Quick, Win more jobs application process with no personal guarantees required

Benefits of using Billd and Contractor Score on your projects

  • Instantly boost your Contractor Score by increasing your liquidity with Billd
  • With higher liquidity, you can take on larger projects and grow your business
  • Over time your credit line and Contractor Score can increase